For this piece, I was inspired by a prior email exchange with Ryan Holsopple, and chose to show the passage of a single day (with some rainy weather) projected onto a work-in-progress dollhouse.
I'd like to imagine this as something you sit quietly and watch in a dark room in a museum, with it restarting every 3.5 minutes or so. A reflection on the (imagined) world surrounding the dollhouse projected onto the actual reality of the tiny home. Big weather in an open sky vs a delicate small place.
I took two videos at the same time - one close up on an angle on my husband's (better) phone, and one further away from where I was standing behind my computer. You'll notice some funky reflections happening above the dollhouse where the projections were reflecting through the skylights, which I think is kind of fun.
I did dig into the playlist a bit more and found a sample in the help file for auto-advancing the videos, which was very helpful for filming!

Video Credits, all from, in order of appearance:
Sunrise Time Lapse Over Trees by Beachfront
Sky Video by Vidveo
Rolling Clouds Time Lapse by Beachfront
Twilight Mountain Showers by kokor1
Dumfries Sunset by danwiseman
Stray thoughts / background on how I got here -
I experimented with projecting through the windows, but they were too small & far apart to achieve much.
I had set up a patch to project an ethereal background over which I'd move a moon around the dollhouse as if it were a person, but could NOT get it to work with any sort of custom there was horrific light bleed everywhere. Also, it turns out the moon, no matter how much you play with settings, just...doesn't show up well on a dollhouse. It was hard to tell what it was. So, I returned to the idea of passage of time.